Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today I was in surgery. I woke up at 8 (the earliest I've woken up since December), because they started their procedures at 8:30.

There really isn't much to say about the procedures themselves; the protocols and methods are exactly the same as in the surgeries I've observed in the States. Some of the same surgeries too.

Vanessa and I was talking to one of the surgery nurses in the scrub room before going into the operating rooms about how crowded the emergency rooms (which I had been in numerous times in the past three week) were. Dr. Claudio had mentioned to me on my first day there that there was a severe problem here in which people could come to the emergency room for things that could easily be attended to by the family doctor; coming to the emergency rooms for things such as allergy medications, missed periods, colds, or even to get a prescription filled may be quicker, but its a huge drain on hospital resources and hampers access to emergency care to those who actually need it. Apparently this is a problem in the States as well; Chris told me a few weeks ago that there was a hospital in LA that had to be shut down because of the very many people came into the ER for mundane things that the hospital was pouring all of its money into that department, and went bankrupt. I guess we need to use our judgement in deciding whether or not a problem warrants and ER visit or whether you should just call Raleigh Pediatrics (as I would do in my case. also I'm not sure why i still see a pediatrician). Do I smell a tirade on decision making in medical settings coming up? no, thats just my laundry. I'm tired right now...don't have too much energy to think.

why? because I spent the day cooking. i think i really like it...there's something really therapeutic about the whole process. also your largest problem in the kitchen (provided you don't set something on fire) is whether or not you put too much basil in the pasta sauce (answer is always no).

that's it for now

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