Friday, May 13, 2011

Almost Time

T minus 20 hours until I leave for the Azores

The fact that I am using that method of counting instead of simply saying '9 hours till I leave' signifies that something pretty important is going to happen; most people have heard this in the context of shuttle launches, which let's be real, is a pretty important event.

Somehow I don't feel like I'm giving this the gravitas that "T minus" deserves. It hasn't really set in that I'm leaving for another country, another culture. In my mind, the Azores are "just outside of Charlotte."

This is going to be the first place I have gone overseas that isn't India. I'm thoroughly used to India. I am thoroughly used to the United States. Anywhere else? I have no anchors.

Bring it.

I don't know where my socks are.

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