I flew from RDU to Boston, and then from Boston to Ponta Delgada, another island in the archipelago...there was a layover there before flying to Terciera Island. This last flight was interesting for several reasons.
1) the guy sitting next to me smelled awful, a mix of tobacco, sweat, and alcohol. he boarded, sat down, and immediately went to sleep. I spent the first half of the 5 hour flight trying not to throw up (from the smell), and then I realized this guy had been throwing up regularly for the past 2 hours. Seriously, this was the quietest, most polite throwing up ever...I just thought he was coughing from time to time but by the time I realized what was going on he was ON HIS THIRD BAG. the flight attendant then came by and moved him closer to the bathroom so he could use it if he needed. We saw him later when we got off at the airport, he had some paramedics helping him out, so he was probably really sick.
2) the woman sitting across from me on the plane was WAY too interested in what I was doing. When I got my food (more on that in a bit), she literally leaned over the aisle to see what I had. it was the same as what she had mind you. I would then look up periodically and she would be looking at me. during eating. during the movie. when i shifted in the seat. WHILE I WAS SLEEPING. waking up to her STARING INTO YOUR SOUL was an intense experience.
3) when i booked my flight a few months ago, i selected the vegetarian meal. I don't eat beef and since the Azores has a massive population of cows, i didnt want to risk getting that (I was right by the way, it was beef). my meal was: steamed rice with steamed cauliflower. what. salad (with too much salad dressing), butter (with nothing to use the butter on), some fruit and a shot of water. the rice didnt taste like anything so i added two packets of salt, which was better, and then i added the rest of my salad dressing to it, which was a mistake. I had just eaten before boarding though so it was all good.
4) 8 hour layover in Ponta Delgada. Me and Chris went on a WALKING ADVENTURE around Ponta. I love this place. the weather is awesome...kind of warm, but the breeze from the atlantic ocean (about 2000 feet away from the airport) is constant and cools everything down. Then i realized i hadnt slept in over 24 hours and knocked out on sheet metal seats and now my shoulders hurt
We finally got to Terciera island around 4 PM local time (=12 PM EST) and spent the rest of the day exploring the neighborhood surrounding our home base. We're staying at a Residencia, which is kind of like the dorms that the students at the University of the Azores use. It's straight up a castle. I'm sitting in the common room right now and it looks like something you'd find in GRIFFYNDOR HOUSE.
This place is beautiful. Same weather as Ponta, but we're staying in a more populated area so its pretty nice. Pictures/Videos later, three hours sleep in two days is catching up to me.
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